
Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, And Rosa Parks

Decent Essays

Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, and Rosa Parks are all notable African American Women. All three were strong women who devoted their lives to fight for racial equality and became leaders. They were brave and risked their lives to stand up against injustice. Beyond fighting for equal rights for African American people, all three spoke out for women’s rights as well. Harriet Tubman was born into slavery around 1820. She escaped from slavery in 1849. She is known for helping others escape slavery at great risk to herself. After escaping from slavery by making her way from Maryland to Philadelphia, Harriet Tubman joined the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was a group of freed blacks, whites and Christian Abolitionists who helped slaves to escape. She was able to help free her two brothers, her sister and her sister’s two children and dozens of other people. After the Civil War ended she continued to speak out about racial equality. She became friends with Susan B. Anthony and began to speak out for women’s right to vote. Sojourner Truth was born into slavery in 1883. She is best known for her speech on racial inequalities. After escaping slavery Sojourner in 1826 became a freed slave. She went to court to contest the legality of her own son being sold into …show more content…

She is known for her use of civil disobedience when she refused to give up her seat and move to the back of the bus to protest segregation. Rosa Parks was working as a seamstress and did not plan on getting arrested that day. However, Rosa Parks was also the secretary for the NAACP, was trained as a NAACP leader and was an activist against segregation. She was a role model for courage against injustice. Her arrest sparked a bus boycott and eventually led to the end of bus segregation. Beyond her work as a civil rights advocate, Rosa Parks dedicated her life to fighting against sexual violence against

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