
Sojourner Truth Strengths And Weaknesses

Decent Essays

Sojourner Truth was a strong African American women whose influence inspired women in the 1800’s and continues to empower women even today. Ms. Truth, originally named Isabella Baumfree, was born a slave in 1797 and died in 1883 on November 26. During her 80 plus years of life, she worked as an abolitionist and women’s rights activist. Ms Truth was best known for her speech on racial inequalities entitled “Ain’t I a Women”. Ms Truth was treated horrendously, faced many obstacles, yet still became a prominent leader and sought after speaker. One of the ways Sojourner Truth was a strong was that she still kept moving even when she was treated horribly. During that time, slave women were treated awful, they had to work just like the men and were beaten the same way. In her speech, she states “I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well” meaning that everything a man could do she could do as well. Ms Truth made it clear that she was independent and did not need to depend on help from a man. …show more content…

Truth faced during her lifetime also demonstrates her strength. At 9-years old, she was sold at an auction with a flock of sheep for $100 to John Neely. Mr. Neely was remembered as a violent man who beat her daily. In addition to this, she had to watch as her children became the property of the slave owner. Finally, she escaped to freedom with her infant daughter in 1826 leaving two of her children behind. She later found out that her five year old son had been sold to a plantation in Alabama illegally. Sojourner took the matter to court and eventually won. She became one of the first African Americans to be successful against a white person in court. All in all, Ms. Truth had to go through a lot of difficulties but she did not allow them to defeat her but gained endurance from the

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