
Harvard Business School Case Study : Two Tough Calls

Decent Essays

While faced with many problems, Doohickey should focus the majority of their efforts on creating and implementing a plan for layoffs and dismissals. Currently, the company has no plan in place should they need to lay off employees for any reason. They also have no real strategy or procedure when it comes to firing an employee. This is an area where they need to have a definite procedure and plan in place. This will not only protect the company as a whole, but will give employees the opportunity to correct improper practices, learn from mistakes and become better employees. If implemented properly, a dismissal policy with certain steps that must be implemented prior to dismissal could even decrease their turnover rate allowing them to retain more employees. Developing and implementing a plan for layoffs should they arise is also of great importance for Doohickey. With the proper plan in place, they can avoid legal troubles and perhaps find a way to bring employees back after the hard times have passed.
What they first need is HR and upper management to create a company-wide policy for employee dismissal. It is so important that they create a plan that is practical for their needs as a company but also one that fits with the new culture they are trying to create for Doohickeys as a whole. In the Harvard Business School Case Study, Two Tough Calls, we are given a good layout for an employee improvement as well as steps to dismissal policy that Doohickey could use as a starting

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