
Harvey Milk's Fight For Gay Rights

Decent Essays

May 22nd, 1930 in Woodmere, New York a legend was born. This legend is also famously known as Harvey Milk, a man who would soon turn into one of the greatest LGBT activists in history. Harvey Milk, when he was a teenager in high school, knew he was gay but kept it to himself all the way through the Korean War. In the Korean War, Milk was discharged in 1955 and moved back to New York City where he took on many jobs, from being a teacher to being a Wall, Street investment banker. Milk is mostly well known for being one of the first openly gay political advisors. He helped the LGBT community get off the ground and go into full throttle, claiming their places amongst political advisors. Harvey Milk has helped so many people feel comfortable enough to come out of the closet. Harvey Milk, who was once afraid to come out and be openly gay, helped others gain their basic human rights and their basic human privileges.
“It takes no compromising to give people their rights. It takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no survey to remove repressions.” In the year 2017, we are lucky enough to have acceptance for …show more content…

There has been no mention in the Bible that says anything about gays, and let's talk about the fact that Christians, Catholics, Buddhist, etc are told from scripture that they are not to judge thy neighbor. I don’t mean to get extremely political when it comes to religion but instead of letting it divide us we should unite and focus on problems within humanity. People say that unity and peace are virtually impossible when that’s simply not the truth. In truth, we could have peace if people got together, accepted differences and stop being huge jerks to each

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