
Harvey Weinstein Is My Monster Too Analysis

Good Essays

An analytical essay of “Harvey Weinstein Is My Monster Too”
Equality. A huge word that will always play a vast importance in life. We, as a population, tend to believe that we have achieved equality in some areas, which means that we cannot complain in others. Sometimes equality is associated with man-hating, and that may be true in some cases, but generally, it is about having the ability to do something without the fact that you are a woman or a man being a factor – that you are not worth more nor less due to your gender.
The article “Harvey Weinstein Is My Monster Too” was written on December 12th in 2017 by Salma Hayek, who is an actress and a producer. The article follows one significant theme namely equality. The article follows Salma …show more content…

The use of pathos can, for example, be seen when the author describes how she felt when she had to shoot a scene naked with another woman: “I had a nervous breakdown: My body began to shake uncontrollably, my breath was short and I began to cry and cry, unable to stop, as if I were throwing up tears.” The author uses pathos because she appeals to the reader's emotions and makes the reader understand how everything that happened has affected her. The author also uses pathos when she says: “I had to…” By using this, the author makes the reader understand how inferior she was – she could not continue working with the movie without Harvey Weinstein – she was dependent on him. Finally, the author also uses pathos when she says: “We…” By using this, the author makes the reader understand that her experiences are not isolated incidents, but something that is happening and has happened to several …show more content…

The language in the article is quite formal but still understandable. The structure of the text is clear, manageable, and you do not feel confused. The author tends to use short paragraphs to make the statement comprehensible – she wants the reader to take note of specific content in the article. The author also uses figurative language: “was nothing but a drop in an ocean of sorrow and confusion.” The author, among other things, uses it to make it easier for the reader to envisage her feelings, especially because it can be hard to put yourself in the same situation.
The author also uses rhetorical questions to make the reader reflect on the issues. This can, for example, be seen in this line: “But why do so many of us, as female artists, have to go to war to tell our stories (…)? Why do we have to fight tooth and nail to maintain our dignity?” From this specific line, you can say that the author presumably wants people, generally women, to believe that they should not have to fight for their place – it is their right. Finally, the author also uses irony. She uses it to make the reader stop reading and think about what they have

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