
Has Birth Control Helped Our Women Or Been An Affliction

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Has birth control helped our women or been an affliction for them ? In 1950, a lady whose name is Margaret Sanger underwrote the research to create the first birth control pill. “She raised $150,000 for the project. 1960 The first oral contraceptive, Enovid, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as contraception (Sanger 24)”. I am looking forward to initiate what people views are from the perspective of birth control and if it has helped the society and if it hasn’t why do they think otherwise.
Margaret Sanger who created the birth control concept had experienced a lot that made her think about this discovery. She was one of 11 children but, her mother had 18 pregnancies so that made her want to continue and learn …show more content…

He says,” they don’t really know the contraception of the what to do.
“In 1965, The Supreme Court (in Griswold v. Connecticut) gave married couples the right to use birth control, ruling that it was protected in the Constitution as a right to privacy. However, millions of unmarried women in 26 states were still denied birth control. In 1968, FDA approved intrauterine devices (IUDs), bringing early versions like the Lippes Loop and Copper 7 to market1970 Feminists challenged the safety of oral contraceptives (the Pill) at well-publicized Congressional hearings. As a result, the formulation of the Pill was changed, and the package insert for prescription drugs came into being. In 1972, The Supreme Court (in Baird v. Eisenstadt) legalized birth control for all citizens of this country, irrespective of marital status. In 1974, The FDA suspended sale of the Dalkon Shield IUD due to infections and seven documented deaths among users. Although other IUD designs were not implicated, most IUDs were slowly taken off the US market due to the escalating costs of lawsuits in subsequent years. In the1980s, Pills with low doses of hormones were introduced, along with a new copper IUD, ParaGard (1998). (CuT380a). Growing awareness of the Yuzpe regimen for emergency contraception. 1990s Introduction of Norplant, the first contraceptive implant (1990),Depo-Provera, an injectable method (1992), FC1/Reality, a female condom (1993) and Plan B, and a dedicated emergency

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