
Hawaiian Monarchy Research Paper

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The Overthrow According to “Hawaii’s Monarchy Overthrown With U.S. Support, 120 Years Ago,” a group of wealthy businessmen and sugar plantation owners worked with U.S. troops to overthrow the Hawaiian Kingdom. The overthrow took place on January 17, 1893 and was what had caused the end of the Hawaiian monarchy. However, this event did not happen over the course of a day, it was the result of a multitude of different events that benefited foreign blood. For example, American and European men were the owners of sugar plantations and most businesses in Hawaii. The Reciprocity Treaty of 1875, the Great Mahele, the Rebellion of 1887 and the Bayonet Constitution, and the Wilcox Rebellion of 1888 are also some of the events that lead to the overthrow. All of these events benefited the people of American/ European blood, …show more content…

Hawaiian Nation’s article The Overthrow of the Monarchy, the Hawaiian League (a group of American businessmen and planters) were seeking to control the Hawaiian kingdom. Their goal was to “reform” the monarchy politically as well as economically. During the depressing time Hawaii officially became the 50th state, what Hawaiians did not realize was that they benefited politically, economically, and socially. Hawaii was now protected with a stronger military force, many more job opportunities opened up, the culture in Hawaii became diversified, and Hawaii also gained wider contacts from other countries. However, Hawaii did lose its original, unique culture with more people from foreign lands coming to visit Hawaii. Also, according to NPR’s article It Took Two Centuries, But The Native Hawaiian Population May Be Bouncing Back, from around the 1880s to the 1900s, about the Hawaiian population decreased by over 600, 000 people. This was mostly due to the foreign

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