
Hazel Ambort Biography

Decent Essays

“Love what you do and do what you love. Don’t listen to anyone else who tells you not to do it. You do what you want, what you love.”- Ray Bradbury. Bradbury’s quote caught my eye in eighth grade English while we were reading some of his works. This quote changed the reason I did things in my life and has set me on what I hope to be a bright path. I am Hazel Ambort. I was born on September 7th, 2000, three minutes before my twin sister, Lilli. I also have another younger sister named Janey, who turned one this summer. Additionally, I have two dogs: Buster and Ava, and two cats: Clara and Claws. I started going to Bettendorf Schools when I moved from Rock Island, Illinois in sixth grade. I enjoy playing softball and tennis, I also participate …show more content…

My mom has recently become concerned with my sister and I, because she feels as though we overwhelm ourselves with our class load and our extracurricular activities. This weakness has caused harm to myself in past events not only physically, but also mentally. Softball has caused a permanent injury in my right wrist from overuse, I have to wear a wrist brace whenever it starts to hurt again, which is every couple of months. Back-to-back tennis and softball has caused tendonitis in my left elbow, which also stemmed from overuse. I have also accumulated shin splints in both legs, which tend to come back during sports season. One week during the last school year, I was swamped with homework from all honors classes and debate work for an upcoming tournament that weekend. That entire week I stayed up until one in the morning and woke up at six in the morning, causing sleep deprivation. One night, I ended up breaking down and crying because I wasn’t going to have enough time to finish all of my work for the next morning and the upcoming debate tournament. I was so stressed out and so tired that I woke up the next morning sick from no apparent cause, I slept the entire day and finished my work from the night before and returned to school the next day better than ever. That night taught me that everyone needs a break every now and then. I fear that in the future that

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