
L. ' Sisters Have No Reported Mental Illnesses

Decent Essays

L’s sisters have no reported mental illnesses and she states that she gets along with them when she has too. L attends her local high school and is in Year 12. She stated that she gets average grades as she only does the work needed for her to pass her subjects. L has a part time job at her local fast food restaurant. She works some shifts after school and some shifts on the weekends. L enjoys working; however since her favourite manager has taken maternity leave she has struggled with the current management and feels bullied and belittled by them. She cites this as a current stressor. L does not engage in any extracurricular activities at school or outside of school hours. L states that the reason she does not engage in these activities is due to her mother not allowing her to participate in sport or dancing. This has been since Year 8 when she broke her arm for the second time. L has been in a relationship with a boy from school for a few months. She stated that she is not sexually active with this boy and has not been sexually active before. L despite having a good group of friends and a boyfriend appears to be socially isolated and unable to identify anyone that she would feel comfortable or safe enough to speak to about her problems. Her lack of extracurricular activities also link in with her state of social isolation. L appears of stated age, average build and fair complexion. Whilst an inpatient she has refused some meals and snacks most days, stating that she is

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