
Health Care Video Analysis

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Technology is advancing rapidly and spreading throughout our society and communities. It has spread to our schools, restaurants, supermarkets; it is no surprise that technology has advanced in our healthcare system. One major benefit that health information technology has accomplished is handling and recording patient records. In the past years, this has been convenient for both healthcare providers and patients since it helps retrieve all of the individual's medical history. After watching Medicine's future? There's an app for that, Daniel Kraft presentation consists of exaggerations of future phone or tablet applications that may be helpful for a patient to self-diagnose themselves (TED-Ed, 2013). I believe the message of the video was to demonstrate our society’s obsession with technology; people are …show more content…

Enid Montague supports that HIT technology manages medical information for not only the patients but for the health care providers as well, he states that healthcare challenges can be solved more effectively with more patient engagement. Technology allows the patients to better manage their care plans, providing feedback to their healthcare providers (Montague, 2014). When the patient provides more involvement with their health records then this provides patient-centered communication. The Journal of Communication and Healthcare team state the following, " We propose that patient centered communication is at the heart of delivering patient-centered care and that HIT applications that support patient-centered communication are most likely to result in improved outcomes for patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers" (Rutten, 2014, p. 255). HIT facilitates the distribution of a patient’s medical record to all healthcare providers, thus they are provided accurate diagnosis and

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