
Health Center, Inc. And Spectrum Programs

Satisfactory Essays

Edgar Rondon - November 12th, 2015 - Top Two Choices for Risk Assessments SW 545 – Introduction to Clinical Assessment in Social Work Practice – Dr. Singleton Second Choice - “At Risk Lifestyle” Assessment Provided by Miami Behavioral Health Center, Inc. / Spectrum Programs, Inc. / Banyan Health Systems, Miami, FL Description This risk assessment tool is used, primarily, to determine the risk factors that individuals are exposed to when they abuse drugs and alcohol and are at a greater risk for acquiring HIV/AIDS. The questionnaire in designed to help measure the degree to which people may be exposed to the virus, based on measurable patterns of behavior. The questions are extremely personal and require a great capacity for honesty if the assessment tool is to work properly to determine risk factors. This method of measuring the lifestyle risks of a person who engages in frequent alcohol and drug use can be used to determine the level of necessary counseling that a person may need. This can lead to better choices for possible interventions to produce results to lower the risk factors for becoming infected with the HIV virus. (Read sample questions from the questionnaire) Advantages If answered with complete honesty, this assessment tool can be very effective for determining the level of risk to which a person may be exposed. The questions are very direct a precise, with little to no room for interpretation. In other words, the questions are worded in a way to produce

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