
Health Disparities: Case Study

Decent Essays

When Dr. Michele Devlin asked me to be a part of Iowa Center Health Disparities last spring, I was titillated and interested at the opportunities to provide a small server for who have barriers or non-English speakers to prevent a specific disease. On the other hand, I heard from one of my best friend that there is a student organization located at the campus called “PIERR” and I researched about it. I feel kind of similar what I am looking for. Therefore, I contacted with the director Dr. Catherine Zeman and she accepted me to be part of her team. Under the two opportunities that opens the door for me, I have been able to build and use my strength, discover my weakness and improve them, and provide me self-assured. I will highlight a brief summary of my experience and desires of my future career. I feel very prosperous to be part of Panther Initiative for Environmental Equity and Resilience (PIEER) and Iowa Center on Health Disparities. My roles in PIEER are establishing a Facebook page to market upcoming events by raising awareness about environmental social justices, posting the progress of how the event goes, and updating the PIEER website after each event. My role in Iowa …show more content…

I feel that I gained several new skills I already have, it was not in professional progress. I have learned how to utilize Microsoft Office to create various promotional materials such as flyer, brochure, tri-display board. However, I found that my competency levels work very well with a teamwork and leadership. For example, through PIEER have been working as team to prepare for several events, and participate. Each member often chooses the perfect spot to work and leave the others spot to whom have the capacity to work on it. I have also learned how to update website with picture and information. Even though updating PIEER Facebook was not a new skill for me, I have learned to expand awareness of environmental

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