
Health Of Health And Human Services

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Healthy People 2020 Promise Ukachu Standard College of Nursing

Nursing 400 Community Health Dr Amara August 31, 2015

Overview: Healthy People
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is charged with the responsibility of meeting the health needs of the citizenry. To achieve this feat, the department established the Healthy People project, which provides a framework for public health prevention priorities and actions. In line …show more content…

The Goals of Healthy People
Healthy People is driven by the desire to actualize a society where people live long, healthy lives. The general purposes or goals of Healthy People include (a) achieving high-quality, longer lives that are exempt from preventable diseases, disabilities, injuries, and death, (b) ensuring health equity by eliminating health disparities for all people regardless of their unique demographic characteristics, (c) creating social and physical environments that advance optimal health for all, and (d) fostering quality of life, optimal development, and healthy behaviors for all people, regardless of their life stages (Healthy People, 2015).
The Development of Healthy People
The Healthy People initiative can be traced back to 1979, when Julius Richmond published Healthy People: the Surgeon General’s Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (National Institutes of Health, 2015). This report adopted an emerging philosophy in the health community that emphasized on the importance of national health policy in preventing disease. The ensuing objectives, which were dubbed Healthy People 1990: Promoting Health/Preventing Disease: Objectives for the

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