
Healthcare Delivery: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The scope of healthcare is continually changing. There still seems to be a continuation of issues within the aspects of healthcare delivery. Since 2005 there has been several Committee meetings on this dyer issue and they have come up with some interesting ideas on this matter, but neither one has been the one to fix the aspects of the problem. When it pertains to the efficiency and effective aspects of the quality of care and how it is perceived when it involves the delivery of healthcare service. The top five elements that I have noticed throughout the reading of these two articles that need to be improved upon to increase efficiency and quality are as follows:
1) Creating pressure for efficiency through payment updates, 2) Improving payment …show more content…

There have been issues when it comes to the quality of care that our patients are receiving, favoritism seems to be on the rise between specialty and primary care which has caused the cost of services to increase enormously. This in general has sparked the interest of Congress to deal with the problems that have arisen from Medicare’s fee-for …show more content…

Ex. Setting a benchmark of 100 percent and if it is exceeded the provider will end up being penalized. Reason being is to cut down on overpayments and retain high quality and low-cost payment for individuals who have Medicare.
• Improving payment accuracy within Medicare payment systems (improve the accuracy of DRG patients to patients by eliminating distortion between facilities that specialized in providing limited service to individuals that were involved in DRG programs). Ex. Clinicians who provided primary care services would obtain and increase in fee for service.
• Linking payment to quality (Putting and incentive for Medicare to only pay for quality of care ad Physicians receive payment for quantity of service given). Ex. Setting standard for dialysis services to control Medicare spending.
• Measuring resource use and providing feedback (Each physician would measure their care and give access to each other while giving suggestion on ways they can improve upon the induction their

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