
Healthcare Vaccination

Satisfactory Essays

HealthCare is most often a system put in place by the Government to provide affordable medical assistance to those that need it. Providing Free HealthCare to all has a substantial amount of pros , it allows people to receive vaccines, medical attention, and emergency assistance, without being at the mercy of their own wealth.

Healthcare helps stop disease epidemics. By putting in free HealthCare, those who cannot afford vaccines will now be able to, this decreases the amount of sick people and therefore slows disease growth and can even entirely stop it, if enough people are vaccinated. This is an excellent way to control disease flow.

Another Upside to HealthCare is that it keeps disease mortality rates lower this helps keep a nation thriving. Although it cannot stop all deaths by disease. It can help other people prevent death, as a result. Free HealthCare can be important to someone's survival, if they need to get a drug that's not very affordable or if they have a special disease that requires a special treatment ,like AIDS or Cancer. …show more content…

Some points against HeathCare is that it costs $125 Billion total (total) to ensure every person with poor health is treated, and people who are uninsured are less likely to get medical attention. However the only thing worth more than money is a person's life. Everyone has a right to the care and attention they need

HealthCare is important to the lives and well being of many, the pros heavily outweigh the cons. HealthCare can altogether stop the growth of disease, due to the wider availability of vaccines. Although HealthCare is costly for the government, it can save lives. Free HealthCare should be adopted by the government, so that it can preserve the its nation’s health and wealth.

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