
Healthier Life : The Importance Of A Healthy Community

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Many people think that a healthy community consists of people who appear healthy on the outside. Nobody really takes the time to see what is on the inside, to see past the facade and to focus more on the mental health. A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body, likewise with social health, the three key aspects of a body's overall mental wellness. A healthy lifestyle focuses just as much on the mind as it does on the appearance of the body, though the latter is generally what most people focus on. A few ways one could create a more healthy community is by stressing the importance of a healthy lifestyle, installing a yoga gym and by creating a community garden. In the United States, there has been reported that nearly "33% of U.S adults are obese as well as 17% of children between the ages 2-19" (U.S Department of Health and Human Services). By promoting a healthier lifestyle, ideally focusing on younger children, the idea of eating the right amounts of food and the importance of exercising will hopefully be carried on to adulthood. Those who do not seem to lead an idealistic healthy life have been known to lack in physical activites and even going so far as to effect their socialization. Also, those who lead a healthier lifestyle are less likely to be diagnosed with a chronic disease than those who do not lead a healthier lifestyle. By promoting a healthier lifestyle, the community will have a better state of mental health and better physical rates that will

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