
Heart Felt Wedding Speech from the Father of the Bride Essays

Decent Essays

Heart Felt Wedding Speech from the Father of the Bride

Thank you Ralph for that introduction – I must say that you are looking a great deal better tonight than when I last saw you after Polly’s 21st in the morning at our home. That was not a pretty sight.

Ladies and Gentlemen I am delighted to welcome you here tonight to celebrate the Marriage of Polly and Justin. I know that many of you have travelled many thousands of Kilometres to be here with us, and I welcome you and thank you for being here. I know Polly and Justin greatly appreciate your presence and your sacrifice.

As I look around the room I look and realize what dear friends we have, and I hope you have a really wonderful evening. Although this Marriage has …show more content…

Polly has done it many times.

But as you grow into your relationship and the realities of life take hold- things like a mortgage, kids (one day I hope) joys and sufferings, general ups and downs – you start to realize that love is a conscious decision.

Relationships take a lot of work. You have to be working at them all the time so that you grow together. When you hit a bump, that’s the time to stop and say “Love is a decision. I made a conscious decision to love this man or this woman, despite his or her shortcomings, and despite my not agreeing with everything he or she says and does.

“Because I love this person, I can resolve any problem we might face.” If you look at love in this way, then nothing can stop you.


Polly I have known all her life, from the time she was drawn out from her mother’s womb, to the present moment - the beautiful young woman you see before you now. Much has happened in the years between. It would be remiss of me not to comment on a few memorable moments of her life such as in Year 1 when she “Flashed” passing traffic in her school uniform from roadside bushes, or when .in year 10 she mysteriously disappeared from her bedroom from 11.00pm to 3am on a fairly regular basis when she was out “clubbing.” For the former, she was spanked by her teacher, for the latter, she was “grounded” by her parents for 6 months.

In her defence, in those intervening years, she made the most marvellous shoe

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