
Wedding Speech - Best Man Essay

Decent Essays

Wedding Speech - Best Man

First I?d like to thank GROOMS NAME for those kind words ? some sort of response is probably in order

Before I start, if there's anybody here who feels a little nervous and apprehensive, it's probably because you've just got married to GROOMS NAME.

I have a bit of an issue to raise, it has come to my attention that there is a bet on about the length of the Best Man's speech.... however I am sure you will all be glad to know that I got wind of this and have put a bet down of an hour, and with the kitty currently at $100 you might as well all settle and enjoy the ride...

So I have a bit of a dilemma ? do I drag the speech out for the hour so I win or do I get on with it so we can get in the bar?

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ladies and gentlemen, the ushers - Bob and Ray.

Now a few of the better parts of my duties for the day I get to thank the bridesmaids. I know that BRIDES NAME has given you something already to say thanks
However I?d like to add to this by saying what a great job you have done getting BRIDES NAME through today and I think everyone will agree you ALL/BOTH look beautiful.

But I would especially like to thank BRIDES NAME?s dad for his kind words and everyone involved for organising what I am sure we will all agree has been a wonderful day and really got GROOMS NAME and BRIDES NAME?s marriage off to a perfect start...

I think you would agree that at least so far the wedding has been beautifully planned, even down to getting an extra hour in bed tonight

As part of my preparation for today I have been doing some research
Unfortunately today has always been regarded as a bit of a black day in history:

1854 - Charge of Light Brigade (Battle of Balaklava, Crimean War), 409 die
1943 - The International War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg sentenced 12 Nazi leaders to death.
Dr Crippen sentenced for poisoning his wife

But now at least there?s one good event to remember the 25th for.
Another part of my research was to ask some of his friends and family about what they would say about him: some words you could use to

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