
Heart Of Darkness Analysis

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The novel, “Heart of Darkness” written by Joseph Conrad is regarded as one of the greatest and most influential novellas ever experienced in the English language. The story in the novel is framed in Congo, Africa where the author clears captures the story related to Marlow’s adventure in African jungle on a steamboat in search of an ivory trader, Mr. Kurtz. In his journey, Marlow was motivated by the need to retrieve Mr. Kurtz and have him brought back to cultivation, according to Marlow, this was a great mission for him throughout his journey African Jungle. Nevertheless, Mr. Kurtz was reluctant to his mission, that is, going back with Marlow who was searching for him and he instead planned for an immediate attack on Marlow’s steamboat jus after his arrival at the station.
The attack was done by African people that seemed to be believe much in Mr. Kurtz by worshipping him, therefore, this gave Mr. Kurtz an upper hand in making his attack against Marlow successful. Eventually, Mr. Marlow’s effort in taking Mr. Kurtz back home did not bore fruits since Mr. Kurtz died on their way back to England and his last words were “the horror, the horror”(Conrad 69).Therefore this made Mr. Marlow to return to England without him. On arriving to England he paid a visit to Mrs. Kurtz in which he gave her Kurtz old letters. This paper seeks to ascertain Conrad's Criticism of Imperialism in Heart of Darkness and the Relevance of his Criticisms to Contemporary Society.
Based on the novel’s

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