
Heart Of Darkness Good Vs Evil

Decent Essays

“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it,” (Einstein, 2017). Evil surrounds are every day, it’s in the ungodly things of the world. While most people don’t believe in a God you can still say evil is bad and what is bad, but not good; and what is good, but God. Heart of Darkness is a notable example of the concept of evil, and the history of the world also has a few things to say about it. Evil is truly anything ungodly; meaning there is no sense of morals, there is deception, and suffering.
Evil has no Morals
Evil can be found in something as banal as a cat. People would consider it mean of the cat to bite your hand while you were petting it, you

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