
Heart Of Darkness Imperialism Essay

Decent Essays

Conrad’s Heart of Darkness reflects on ideas of imperialism, the contrast of purity and sin, ephemerality, and the nature of civilization and its savage counterpart. Conrad’s novel criticizes the essence of imperialism through its text, yet it additionally criticizes the common perception of the relationship between civilization and savagery. Civilization, often characterized by sophisticated society rife in advanced technology and high class individuals, outshines the savagery of individual and tribal man, who lives in dirt and desolation, trapped by their lack of intellect and potential. Conrad, however, asserts that these concepts do not reflect, but rather invert the reality. Civilization proves to have rather savage qualities and tendencies. …show more content…

The vessel fired into the forest from the six-inch cannons protruding from its gunwales. And the guns would emit a simple “pop.” The simplicity and ephemerality of the violent actions shows their utter unimportance, if not childishness. The bullets fly off into the forest to shoot down the enemy, the tribal African savages. Marlow’s encounter with the savages presents them hard at work. The few that cannot work sit by the riverside or in the shade of tress, legs crossed. The imagery of the riverside savages furthers an assertion on the purity of the natives. Their monk-like posture and passiveness extinguishes any ideas of violence or savagery, instead hinting at a degree of

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