
Hector, Honor And Honor In Homer's Odyssey '

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A strong example of how Hector is loyal is how he treats his men and family. Hector exchanged gold armor for bronze to equal himself to his men. He also struggled with whether to stay home with his family instead of going to war. He loved his family but he wanted to fight with his men as well. Because of his loyalty he earned the respect of his men. As the story tells on page 207, Hector was injured by a spear and he fell in battle. While some soldiers grabbed Hector others stood between Hector and the enemies to protect him from harm. The soldiers dragging Hector brought him to the river wake him and help him recover from his injuries. Most men will not risk themselves to protect their leader if they aren’t treated with respect and loyalty. Another example Hector’s loyalty, is how he protects his brother Paris even though the main cause of the war Paris’ keeping helen and not returning her to the Greeks. Hector’s loyalty and protection of his brother and Helen contributed to the Trojan nation being at war with the Greeks for ten years. …show more content…

On the battlefield he treats the Greeks with honor and respect. Hector demonstrates honor by meeting the greeks head on in battle instead of ambushing them. Hector also led his men in the face of fear when patroclos showed up dressed as achilles. Hector also honorably allowed the Greeks to collect their dead after the battles. He also fights one on one with Achilles to try and end the war and save the citizens and soldiers of Troy. Although he died in the battle, Hector gave his best effort to fight, win and end the

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