
Hedonism: Harmless Indoctrination Or Something Sinister?

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Hedonism: Harmless Indoctrination or Something Sinister?
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines Hedonism as, “The belief that pleasure or happiness is the most important goal in life,” which may be true depending on one’s viewpoint. After all, life will be dreary without happiness or some form of pleasure or excitement. Another qualifying reason for Hedonism is its prolonged existence. Hedonism – like other belief systems, has been in existence since ancient times; it’s even older than Christianity. Aristippus of Cyrene (a disciple of Socrates) was the first great exponent of Hedonism. He was also the founder of the Cyrenaic School of Hedonism that taught the individual person to perform acts that generates pleasure (Herbermann et al. p. 187). …show more content…

In his article “Christian Worldview Development,” Hans M. Weerstra describes Hedonism as the “doctrine that pleasure is the sole or chief good in life and that moral duty is fulfilled in the gratification of pleasure-seeking instincts and dispositions” (Weerstra, P. 53). In other words, anything that produces pleasure to an individual is considered the ultimate good. The problem with this premise is the lack of sound logic and objectivity. In today’s society, what one may consider as pleasurable might cross the line of some legal, moral, and ethical parameters. For example, if one finds pleasure in being a serial killer, how can this be considered the ultimate good? What about serial rapists, child molesters, cannibalism, and things of that nature? Hedonism cannot condemn any of these actions if the individual finds pleasure in them. Therefore, this philosophy is not as harmless as it may seem on the outset. In fact, it is more self-destructive in nature. For example, if an individual finds pleasure in bad habits such as abusing alcohol, drugs, and smoking – all of which is considered dangerous to one’s health, how can this be consider the ultimate good? It cannot, which renders this philosophy as self-destructive. Weerstra says it best when he stated, “Hedonism like nihilism rest upon the secularized worldview that no objective truth and standard of ethics exists” (53). …show more content…

However, it is no surprise because Paul the Apostle in the Book of Timothy already foretold it. Paul states that in the last days, “… men will become lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God” (2 Timothy 3:4). This is why churches continue to mix the sacred with the secular (profane). Churches put more emphasis in programing instead of the sermon and many are flocking to these event filled churches. They also go as far as inviting secular artists to perform in their churches – all for the sake of entertainment or as its called by the church, “reaching the world through unconventional methods [being relevant].” Weerstra said it best when he stated, “ The modern day systems of thought are truly enemies of the Gospel, having a radically different view of reality, and as such have the potential to destroy Christian faith and life at its foundations” (Weerstra, P.

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