
Hedonistic Treadmill Research

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Thousands of kilograms of plastic enter the oceans every minute. However, consumers do not see the severity of their consumptive lifestyles. Instead, they go to their favorite coffee shop, order a drink and then throw away the cup once they are done. Many do not look for recycling bins, and almost all consumers do not think about where their garbage goes after they throw it away. A majority of consumers simply think their old coffee cups fill in a landfill, but what many do not know is that some people consume up to 11,000 pieces of plastic a year along with their seafood (Walsh, Formanek, Loo and Phillips). But, if this consumption has such a large impact on lives and the environment, why are consumer not more aware? The Hedonistic Treadmill, …show more content…

In fact, the Treadmill only seems to be speeding up as younger generations are putting more value on material goods. However, the young are not the only ones to blame. The younger generations are typically unemployed, but still make up a large amount of spending on material objects. So where do they get the money to spend? Parents of these younger generations help stimulate the value placed on material goods by supplying their children’s finances. Though, yes, many parents take on the role of parenting to support their children’s growth which does require spending money, there is still an overall growth in the Hedonistic Treadmill. Thus, older generations are supporting their children financially, but are not ensuring they are educated about money (Twitchell, 29). Because of this, it is easy to jump on the Treadmill at a young age, and only have it speed up over time because there is not enough proper education to control its …show more content…

According to a CNN report, halting the amount of plastic flowing into oceans would, “require and incredible change in the daily behavior of 7 billion people” (Walsh et al.). The need for this extreme measure did not happen overnight. This problem has grown over the course of many years, and only continues to worsen as the Hedonistic Treadmill speeds up. This problem is so large, that it constitutes as a market failure. Due to the impact of excessive plastic in the oceans, animals are dying, and individuals are consuming large amounts of plastic each year. Thus, the speed of the Hedonistic Treadmill is causing the market to fail due to its negative externalities on wildlife, the environment and humans. However, the degree of the problem indicates that this failure, and its solutions, have not been thoroughly

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