
Heidi Inuit Tribe Analysis

Decent Essays

Compare and contrast The Inuit hiatal and Sioux
The Heidi Inuit and Sioux are very interesting tribes they have many similarities and differences. A fun fact is that dozens of native nations lived on the Great Plains, including the Sioux Indians, also known as the Lakota and Dakota. The name Sioux means "little snakes". A fun fact for the innate would be As of 2012, 89 percent of the population of Greenland was Inuit. This means that there are an estimated 51,349 Inuit people living in this country, and the most of them live in the southwestern corner. there are three major Inuit groups: Inughuit, Tuniit and Kalaallit. About 10 percent of the Inuit people live in close regions and each group speaks its own language. Now we can end with a Haida …show more content…

The link to the myth video is They are very different because they worship the crow. The video shows that the crows were the ones who gave birth to life or the first child. Also there totem poles often showed crows on them or other animals like the wolf of ravens. The Haida also hunt seals and many other animals they hunt,deer,caribou and lots lots more of the animals. There location is very different to the live on their own island called queen Charlotte islands, They call this island Haida Gwaii. There artifact have also been found at They article also shows that the modren technologyhas all helped the haidia to carve hunt and portray objects, artifacts or any other things they would want to portray or show. In conclusion the Heidi Inuit and Sioux are all very different and alike in many ways as you can see that I included links I will paste them here so you can see where I got the information …show more content…

This means that there are an estimated 51,349 Inuit people living in this country, and the most of them live in the southwestern corner. there are three major Inuit groups: Inughuit, Tuniit and Kalaallit. About 10 percent of the Inuit people live in close regions and each group speaks its own

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