
Helen Of The And The Odyssey

Good Essays

A name does not define who you were, who you are, or who you will become. It is just a sounds others use to get your attention. Some of these “sounds” have a famous (or infamous) history that make the name difficult to live up to or break away from. In the case of Helen of Omeros, the narrator is constantly trying to fit her into the box created the legacy of Helen of Tory/Odyssey. However, Helen of Omeros’ strong will and personality and overall uniqueness is still able to shine through, despite the narrator’s biases, and we are able to see the individual differences between the two women and their connection to the evolution of Helen throughout history. We only catch a glimpse of Helen in the Odyssey, but Helen in Walcott’s Omeros is …show more content…

He tries to tie her to the woman of her namesake, who doesn’t exactly represent feminism, but she is an individual and we can still see the strength in Helen of Omeros shine through. She doesn’t allow men to mistreat her and will stand up for herself, contradicting the stereotypical role of women as timid and docile. She is independent, knows what she wants and does what she wants. She breaks several gendered stereotypes. However, she could still be seen as falling into the place of a woman when she starts a relationship with Achille after Hector dies. She could be doing this for the security have a man/husband and father-figure for her child would bring, but she may also be doing it for herself, which would fall into line with the evolution into a more feminist character. Helen of the Odyssey, on the other hand, could be seen as believing in and enforcing gender stereotypes on a much deeper level. She allows for herself to be fought over and be the bride of whomever wins, rather than choosing who she loves and wants to be with, which portrays her as a passive, submissive woman. When Telemachus visits Sparta and shares a meal in Menelaus and Helen’s home, Helen goes as far as to drug all the men because they are crying, which isn’t the “manly” thing to do. During the time of Helen of the Odyssey, living and enforcing these types of gender roles was the standard way of life. In the past few decades or so,

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