
Helper Rank Analysis

Better Essays

What rank are you applying for?:

I am Applying for Helper rank.

How young are you?:

I am 12 years old.

Are you a Male or Female?:

I am Male.

What country do you live in?:

I live in Canada.

Do you have a Microphone or Headset?:

Yes I do have a Headset with a Microphone on it. Razer Kraken 1.7 Chroma.

Do you have a YouTube or Twitch channel?:

Yes I currently have a YouTube channel and I am going to start a Faction Series on it. On OpCraft. Why do you want this rank?:

I want to get Helper rank because I've noticed after playing on this Server for a very long time that the community is amazing and very nice and I think that the server has a lot of potential! :D …show more content…

If you see this mute or kick the player then msg them and worn then that if they continue to spam they may get a temp ban or perm ban after I show a screenshot I have taken to a higher up Staff Member.


Racism is when a player uses mean slurs against another persons skin color or country. If someone is to type a racial slur towards someone else's country I should first mute them and then take a screenshot. After doing this I will msg them and worn them not to say anything else to this person about where they live etc. that I will perm mute them. After doing this I will show the screenshot to a higher up Staff Member and they will either temp ban or perm mute them.


This occurs when a player spams chat rapidly for an excessive amount time. When this happens players are enable to chat cause the chat is to spammy. I will do /chathalt to stop the player from spamming the I will do /cc to make sure they're are no IPS from any servers or anything after this I will do /bminfo to check to see if this player has any ALT accounts. Then I will send proof to a higher Staff Member to maybe IP ban the player or perm ban them. Then to turn chat back on I will do

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