
Henrietta Lack

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First I would like to state that you both brought to light very important points! Kudo’s to you both as these topics are at the heart of society and its perception of medicine. I must begin by stating that I am so glad the medical community has progressed since the time of Henrietta Lacks. It is reassuring to know that much greater progress has been made in treating patients correctly and informing them of what is happening. I am saddened that due to social stigma at that time, Henrietta Lacks was not afforded the same respect that perhaps another individual would have been given. However, even with progression in the medical community, the question of research and the goals of it are still rocky. I submit that society often feels that medical researchers are often simply out to have a claim to fame or acquire significant money. Many individuals feel more like a test subject rather than a human being that can help benefit others. This stigma plagues the decisions of many patients in medical situations. Therefore, there is a drastic account of mistrust in the medical community from an individual in society. Kristin, you supported this by noting how Skloot (2010) showed evidence that patient’s care less about financial gain from use of their tissue, as they are concerned more with the manner their tissue is used. I …show more content…

To them, their tissue is part of them. It is extension of their person. They do not know what it is being subjected to or what atrocities might be discovered using their tissue. I know personally, I would be deeply upset if I discovered that my tissue was used in discovering a way that would significantly harm others. The researcher may feel that this harmful discovery is acceptable as it was in the pursuit of knowledge. However, that was not my pursuit in donating tissue and had I known this, I would have rejected

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