
Henrik Ibsen Sacrifice

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A selfless act of putting others, or others needs before one’s self is a sacrifice. It is because that person deems another individual necessities more important than their own. Mrs. Popov from the short literature story “The Bear, A Joke in One Act,” written by Anton Chekhov in the nineteenth century, demonstrates the true love, and faithfulness a woman holds for her disloyal and deceased husband. Nora, a character in the writing of “A Dollhouse (Et Dukkehjem),” written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879, validates the harsh choices a woman must choose to put her husband’s ego in front of her own. Furthermore, both of these women make evident that sacrifices can be problematic for not only their selves, but for the others that are involved. By sacrificing something of great importance can lead to even greater rewards. Chekhov illustrates Mrs. Popov’s dedication to her husband by writing “Yes, I know, it’s no mystery to you that he was often mean to me, cruel . …show more content…

“A Dollhouse (Et Dukkehjem)” presents a seemingly happy family, except everything is not as it appears. Nora and her husband, Torvald, are very much falling out of love, and money has become a present issue. These two so cold love birds conclude their relationship, and wind-up in splits-ville, population . . . two. On the contrary, “The Bear, A Joke in One Act” begins with a heart broken relationship. Mrs. Popove is recently windowed and has vowed to remain single for the rest of her days to come. Nevertheless, a stranger, Smirnov, emerges onto the scene, and is there to collect Mrs. Popove’s deceased husband’s debt. Though Mrs. Popove is adamant that she does not possess the money, Smirnov is persistent that she give him the money anyhow. Smirnov challenges the widow to a duel, and she willing accepts. Mrs. Popove and Smirnov begin a kiss scene at the close of the play. Thus begins a new romance in this story, as the other ends in heart

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