
Henry David Thoreaun Beliefs Of Nature

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I, Henry David Thoreau, have came upon your article that questions my beliefs of nature and my way of life. You have proclaimed statements that do not fit me so such as being sanctimonious, hypocritical, and misanthropic, and for those reasons, you think I should not be as admired as I am today. However, I disagree because my teachings and beliefs are all in the name of the divinity of nature. There is much more to this world than our materialistic values and complex lifestyle and if we were just able to open our eyes and look deep within, then you too shall be able to understand my teachings. You first accuse me of being sanctimonious, that I am superior and holier than everyone else in this world. “ ‘It seems as if I were more favored by the gods’ possession of revealed truth and entitled to enlighten others. Thoreau, comfortable with that posture, sneered at those who were not” (7). It is true that I see myself as different from everyone else, but I am not as egotistical as you think I am. Claiming existence in the universe is not something to look down upon. Every person should be allowed to think for themselves, to follow their intuition, and seek what they think is right without the insight of others. Therefore, I refute your claim because “our reading, our conversation and thinking, are all very low level” (5). I mean this in a way that we constantly think and act from an influence of another human being. Our words and thoughts have no individuality in it;

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