
Henry Ford Auto's Impact On Society

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Automobiles have come a long way, since when they first came out. When automobiles came out it was a big thing, everybody was surprised on how the car was so fancy. People always saw an automobile and automatically think of Henry Ford, but what about the workers, the people who actually built the car? The workers were a big part of the automobile creation in 1908-1927 and the automobile was called Model T. Henry Ford also created the assembly line, which helped the workers work fast and only worry about that one job assigned to them. The creation of the Model T was a big part of the industrialization which helped us as well because without cars we would be walking everywhere or has horses transporting us. When people ride cars they never really think about who built it, they …show more content…

The prices were low because of how much people earned. So only the rich people could buy the Model T, until they paid the workers more so they can buy the cars as well and show that anybody can own a Model T. The price people paid for this car is surprising to us, because we now we pay thousands for a car but obviously the cars are more luxurious. Everything has come a long way and we all sometimes don't see it. This is all so fascinating to me, knowing how Henry Ford's idea affects us now in a good way. A article I found has all the type of changes we went through and how it wasn't easy for Ford to create this invention. "In fact, he made eight different models (named A, B, C, F, N, R, S, and K) before he finally came up with a winner, the Model T, launched in 1908—a car everyone could afford. Around 15 million Model T Fords were eventually sold and a delighted (and very rich) Henry Ford scribbled in his notebook: "The horse is DONE"." So how have cars changed? Well cars have come a long way but the name Ford still remains which is

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