
Henry V's Leadership

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Vince Lombardi said, “Leaders are made, they are not born”. To be a leader, you must be confident, trustworthy and wise. You must also be able to communicate effectively with others and made good choices. A leader puts the welfare of others before him. In Shakespeare’s play, Henry V, Henry was living the good life in his youth. He was hanging with friends and drinking at the local pubs all the time. He lived his life on his terms and did not care what anybody thinks of him. Unfortunately, that lifestyle came to an end at the passing of his beloved father. He was thrust into the throne as King Henry V, and he had an image to uphold. He understood with his new role came great power and commitment. Henry V became responsible and learned …show more content…

Throughout the play of Henry V, Henry displayed all the traits of an exemplary leader through his character, actions, confidence, and humbleness.
During the play, Henry V continuously talks to the men as if they were his brothers. He did this because he wanted the men to feel like he was one of them. Henry V wanted to gain their trust. He used words such as “us” and “our” to make his people feel at ease. He wanted them to see him not only as a King but one of them. At one point in the play, Henry V displayed an act of leadership when he borrowed a cloak from one of the men. He then proceeded to mingle amongst them. He wanted them to know he was not just a King but also a human being just like them. In most plays the King does not talk or mingle with the common folk like Henry V does throughout the play. The look down on the peasant as though they are beneath him. Before going into the Battle of Agincourt, they were outnumbered tremendously. The men may have felt it was a battle they …show more content…

He gave the glory of winning the battles to God. He was also thankful for his skills and abilities. After the war was over Henry states, “Do we all holy rites; Let there be sung ‘Non nobis’ and ‘Te Deum;” (4.8.115-116). He reminded his men to give the praise to God because they did not win this battle alone. Although, he was king and could have made decisions on his own he was man enough to know he needed help. He did not hesitate to seek advice from his advisors. These men prove to have been wise and trustworthy. He knew he could rely on them to guide him in his decision. He was not ashamed to ask for assistance in deciding to go to war because he knew the cost would be

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