
Hera Vs Aphrodite Research Paper

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For the infinite love of Aphrodite and Ares, the two created a new child out of their passions. Only one name was beautiful enough to be her name: Desira. As a child, Desira was a controlling, powerful goddess who could influence the minds of mortals and the divine alike. In fact, as a child, she lulled Zeus into a slumber so deep that only his true love, Hera, could wake him. Desira possessed the characteristics of both Ares and Aphrodite. She was a powerful goddess, capable of manipulating the minds of mortals, but she was also passionate and embodied love. However, more than anything, she enjoyed making other beings feel intense desires unparalleled by love itself. The goddess grew up to be a beautiful woman, rivaling the allure of her mother. Indeed, Desira was wooed for by mortals and gods. While her suitors were powerful and handsome men, the goddess had but one goal: to win the heart of the God of …show more content…

“Desira, fine maiden of Olympus and earth, you have made an offer that I simply cannot refuse. Rejoice, for I shall be your husband and lover for all of time.” The two were married in secret, for no god could know of their affections or of their scheme. Immediately after the marriage, they fabricated a plot. Technopus would craft a device with power previously unknown to the world. Using Desira’s mental powers, mortals would find an intense passion for the machine. Soon, everyone would possess such a mechanism, and the world’s people would all be at the hands of the two lovers. First, the young god created a machine that people could use as a medium to talk to each other over long distances. He called it a telephone, and marketed the invention as that of an innovator named Alexander Graham Bell. Next, he created a television before manufacturing a computer, a cellular phone, and many more devices. Perhaps his greatest innovation, however, was that of the internet, a linking connection between all devices that contained

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