
Herland: A Non-Feminist Analysis

Decent Essays

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s novel, Herland (1860) presented a civilized country with a society of women. Feminism Unfinished: A Short, Surprising History of American Women’s Movements (2014) by Dorothy Sue Cobble, Linda Gordon, and Astrid Henry presented historic accounts of how the feminist movement evolved from the Baby Boomer generation to the Millennial generation. Both works were secondary sources that brought focus to women fighting for their rights over their bodies, mind, and liberty; which Ellen Carol DuBois and Lynn Dumenil displayed in Through Women’s Eyes (2009). Gilman’s novel was a utopia that illustrated how women were able to function without men. She stated her thesis in the introduction, for she believed that humans have the ability to change their societies and have the ability to control nature in a way that benefits them. Her main purpose for writing this monograph was to assert the feminist movement in the minds of non-feminist. Furthermore, her purpose also illustrated how women in the …show more content…

She had written books like Women and Economics (1898), which discussed the political economy, history, and sociology of women. She also wrote another fiction that was about how women were sent to a psychiatrist by their husbands because they believed they were insane. The book was titled The Yellow Wallpaper (1892). Gilman’s novel and other works were written to inform historians as well as women during the nineteenth century of feminism by illustrating how women were able to command a society, and still have an impact on the industry and raising their children in a healthy environment. However, her novel was a fantasy that every woman would admire to live in; which was the contrast of Feminism Unfinished, Cobble, Gordon, and Henry took true events like the 1937 Woolworth’s sit-down strike to illustrate women revolt against the sexist minds of men during the twentieth

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