
High Classical Greek Sculpture Around The Parthenon

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The Parthenon shows High Classical Greek ideals of idealism, rationalism, and humanism by having a sense of harmony and balance in proportions. With sculptures around the Parthenon, each and individual sculptures contains a story of the Classical Greek ideals of idealism, rationalism, and humanism. The sculptural decoration around the Parthenon reflects a political and ideological themes by showing the triumph of the democratic Greek over Persia. The Parthenon had two Dorice Frieze sculptures that depict legendary battles which symbolised by combat between gods and mortals. The processional frieze has a continuous story on the exterior walls. It shows graceful but physically strong walkers that are represented in ideal inhabitants of a successful city. The message on the wall is to show that Athenians are a healthy, vigorous people. These people are inseparable from and symbolic of the city itself. Which shows pride and confidence in the community. …show more content…

Greek architecture is a great example of Greek ideals. The distance interval and geometry in the architecture show organising space. The buildings were not done for aesthetic purposes solely but had a purpose for the community. Therefore, the Parthenon demonstrates a perfect balance between traditional rules and human emotions. Where in idealism, the Parthenon stairs were created to have a visual illusion. It created to have vertical and horizontal lines straight as if they are perfect. So idealism effects humans are important because it is the search of perfection yet the Parthenon was not built perfectly in geometrically. As for rationalism in the Parthenon, it served as a symbol of power and the value of Athens. The building was skillfully erected which served more than one

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