
High Noon Compare And Contrast

Decent Essays

In comparing and contrasting the book, The Most Dangerous Game and the movie “High Noon”, I found that even though they were different mediums, the had many similar story elements. My supporting paragraphs in my essay are based on character, plot, and setting. In the paragraphs I’m going to show how they are alike and different. After reading these two articles I’ve learned you have to be brave. In the film High Noon, story takes place in the 1870s in a western town with hot climate, such as a desert. “ “It’s not yet eleven A.M. and the sun is high and hot in a clear sky” (Foreman 288). In this citation it talks about how the setting takes place in a hot climate, such as a desert. In The Most Dangerous Game the climate takes place in …show more content…

In “High Noon” Will Kane is waiting for the noon train because Frank Mitchell is on that train. “That ain’t all. Ben Mitchell is down at the depot with Jim Pierce and Jack Colby. They asked about the noon train.” (Foreman 292) This citation that I used is about the noon train. The reason why Will is waiting for the noon train is to stop Frank Mitchell from hurting the town and the people. Everyone is concerned and wants Will to leave before any chaos happens. In The Most Dangerous Game, General Zarroff hunts people and he wants to hunt Rainsford. “ Life is for the strong, to be lived by the strong, and if need be taken by the strong. The weak of the world were put here to give the strong pleasure. I am strong. Why should I not use my gift? If I wish to hunt, why should I not? I hunt the scum of the earth— sailors from the tramp, lascars, blacks, Chinese, whites, mongrels— a thoroughbred horse or hound is worth more than a scored of them.” (Conell 222) In this citation General Zarroff is talking about him hunting men on his island for fun. He also does it for pleasure since the strong always defeats the …show more content…

In both The Most Dangerous Game and “High Noon” the characters, Will Kane and Sanger Rainsford are similar. In “High Noon” Will Kane is brave to go back to town and wait for Frank Mitchell to arrive on the noon train and take him down. “No. That’s what I’ve been thinking. They’re making me run. I’ve never run from anybody before.” (Foreman 293) In The Most Dangerous Game Rainsford is also brave to join General Zarroff’s game. “From another door came Ivan. Under one arm he carried Khaki hunting clothes, a havesack of food, and a leather sheath containing a long–bladed hunting knife. His right hand rested on a cocked revolved thrust in the crimson sash around his waist.” (Conell 226) This citation symbolizes that Rainsford has agreed with General Zarroff to join the

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