
Similarities Between The Most Dangerous Game And High Noon

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Human nature is not fully understood and may never be, but as what we know appears in movies and stories many similarities can be found between them. In “The Most Dangerous Game” and High Noon, the setting, protagonists, and plots show close relations. Both the short story and movie have similar plots, and internal confliction is a raging problem that appears in the plot of High Noon and “The Most Dangerous Game”. Kane says, “I sent a man up five years ago for murder. He was supposed to hang, but up north they commuted it to life. Now he’s free—I don’t know how. Anyway, it looks like he’s coming back,” (Foreman 295). High Noon presents the conflict of our primitive fight or flight response. In the movie, the main character, Will Kane, has to make a life-changing decision about how he’d deal with the antagonist. To be specific, High Noon focuses on a murderer named Frank Miller coming back to town at high noon for Kane who has to choose between fighting or running from him. “The Most Dangerous Game” has a …show more content…

“Sure, we paid this man, and he was the best marshal this town ever had,” (Foreman 314). The marshal, Will Kane, has the advantage of knowing the antagonist and his surroundings while Rainsford does not. Although they are both set apart from civilization, Kane chooses to be secluded over getting on the train. Rainsford can’t choose to go elsewhere; he is stuck on the eerie Ship-Trap Island. Zaroff says, "It is a very great pleasure and honor to welcome Mr. Sanger Rainsford, the celebrated hunter, to my home," (Connell 216). Rainsford is also unaware of the threat that Zaroff poses as, but Kane knew exactly who he was dealing with. In the end, Rainsford and Kane defeat their antagonists and acquire freedom from knowing that they are safe. They were intelligent men faced with difficult

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