
High Noon Compare And Contrast

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High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game are two short but amazing stories. They tell a story dependent on isolation and a feeling of being alone to the person reading and watching them. High Noon is a movie that is the literal representation of being alone with no one on your side. The Most Dangerous Game is a story that paints a picture of instinct in your mind. Both stories allow for an adventure of thoughts and speculation of what might happen next. But they aren't all the same. In The Most Dangerous Game we are left with an unanswered question on what will happen next. In High Noon we know exactly what happens next, the marshal leaves town successful but gives up hid marshal position. These are two stories that go hand and hand with there …show more content…

In The Most Dangerous Game you really feel that you are completely alone and your own animal instinct is how you will make it through. "The old charts call it ship trap island" (Connell 211). This shows that they are in a dangerous area. Imagine sailing on ship near a place called ship trap island. It is almost an act of desperation to get people to not go there. An act of desperation similar to this is seen in the Movie High Noon. Similar in the way that yo wouldn't want to go there nowadays. "Oper'er up jee, we're going to have a big day" (Foreman 289). This is the beginning of the story and it shows that the story takes place in the old west. Another thing it tells about the story is that something big is about to go down. So both quotes show desperation because one is about murder and one is about some "big day" that something will happen. But the one thing the quotes mostly emphasize on is the isolation from the rest of the world. That is were these two stories are most …show more content…

"I was hoping Harvey and Toby'd be here... A man ought to be able to make a final speech to his deputies" (Foreman 292). This shows just how scared Will Kane is of Frank Mitchell. He knows he is about to die and he wants to speak to his trusted before he does just to get last words. "I'm Sange Rainsford... I fell of a yacht" (Connell 216). This shows that Rainsford isn't scared in the beginning of the story. He knows not to panic and because of this he is able to control his fear and hey through the moment. He confronts Zaroff with little fear and no hesitation. That is the big difference in between the two stories. If you think about it the stories have a recurring theme of unlucky, it drives them

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