
Comparison Of High Noon And The Most Dangerous Game

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High Noon, a film that takes place in a western, isolated town, and “The Most Dangerous Game”, a story that takes place on an ominous island. How can the two be different, and how much do they have in common? In the film, High Noon, the main villain, Frank Miller, and his gang returns to town for revenge on Will Kane, the town marshal, for sending him to jail. Unfortunately for Will, no one volunteers to help him out; therefore, he has to retaliate by himself. “The Most Dangerous Game” is about Sanger Rainsford, a hunter who gets stranded on an island where a suspicious man resides. This man by the name of General Zaroff also hunts, but instead of animals, he hunts men. This story takes you through Rainsford’s fight for survival. In both the …show more content…

For example, the reason behind why the main characters are being pursued are not the same. “...Now he’s free—I don’t know how. Anyway, it looks like he’s coming back” (Foreman 295). Frank Miller was arrested for murder and given a life sentence in jail, but he was pardoned. Because Will Kane was responsible for placing him in jail, Frank is back for revenge; he wants to kill Will. When contrasting to “The Most Dangerous Game”, General Zaroff hunts men like Rainsford for pleasure, not for revenge. Another conflict is how the main characters started out in the stories. “He lunged for it; a short, hoarse cry came from his lips as he realized he had reached too far and had lost his balance” (Connell 5). This citation was when Rainsford heard gunshots from afar. His curiosity got the better of him, so he went to check it out. Consequently, he accidentally fell overboard into the water. He swam towards the gunshots and ended up stranded on an island—Ship-Trap Island. In High Noon, Will Kane was already in town and as the town marshal, he had the responsibility to protect the people from Frank Miller, while Rainsford got stranded by coincidence and met General Zaroff. Because the conflicts are not similar, that does not mean that there aren’t any common aspects, like the …show more content…

“They’re making me run. I never run from anybody before” (Foreman 293). This proves how Will Kane has never been the one to run away from his problems because he is not a coward. He knows that there will be no one else to protect the town, and that whether or not he runs away with his wife Amy Kane, Frank Miller will find him anyway. In “The Most Dangerous Game”, Rainsford has to make a choice whether to play General Zaroff’s game and possibly get killed, or get killed by Ivan. Nevertheless, both outcomes would lead to death. His final decision was to play the game and attempt to win instead of taking the easy way out. Another similar characteristic is how the antagonists have the advantage of having people to fight with them. “One almost did win. I eventually had to use the dogs” (Connell 14). General Zaroff had his dogs and Ivan on his side while Rainsford had no help. With High Noon, Will Kane was also all alone when Frank Miller had three other men to assist

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