
High Risk Pregnancy Research Paper

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Whatever their cause, high-risk pregnancies are frightening. You may find yourself constantly worried about the new life inside you or bored to tears on bed rest and other restrictions. Though there is no magic formula to whisk away the concerns a high-risk pregnancy brings, there are things you can do to help yourself both physically and emotionally during this difficult time.

Treat Known Issues Early

Women with diabetes, high blood pressure and other health issues have an increased risk of trouble during pregnancy. If you know you have a condition that complicates pregnancy, work with your doctor to control the problem before you get pregnant. If you're already pregnant, talk to your doctor as soon as possible to formulate a management plan …show more content…

Keep these appointments and always bring a friend or family member along with you. Hopefully you will receive only good news at these checkups, but it's good to bring along an emotional support person just in case. This person can serve as a second set of ears and eyes to help make sure you remember any important information you are given. They may also think of questions you don't.

Ask for Help

Pregnancy is tiring, and a high-risk one even more so. Depending on how you feel and what restrictions your doctor has given you, it may be impossible to maintain your normal daily routine. Ask friends and family for help if you're struggling to keep your life and household running smoothly. Others may be able to help by babysitting your older kids, doing a load of laundry or bringing over a few covered dish meals. Don't be afraid to ask for what you need.

High-risk pregnancies are challenging, but not impossible. Manage your health carefully with doctors you trust and remember to use your support system. Do what you can to reduce your stress level and follow your doctor's orders closely: both you and your baby will feel better for

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