
Pregnancy and the Dangers of Drug Use

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Dangers of Drug Use i

Pregnancy and the Dangers of Drug Use

Sarah McVicker
Psychology 201 Lifespan Development
Professor Sally Vyain
October 7, 2007

Pregnancy and the Dangers of Drug Use It is very important for a mother to lead a healthy lifestyle when she becomes pregnant. She must eat healthy, get lots of rest, and exercise regularly. It is even more imperative that she avoids things that may harm her or potentially her baby. Amongst things she must avoid, alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs are the most vital. For a pregnant woman, drug use and abuse is twice as dangerous as for someone who is not pregnant. First, drugs will harm her own health, interfering with her ability to support her pregnancy and make the best …show more content…

Also, smoking reduces the ability of the lungs to absorb oxygen. When the fetus is deprived of sufficient nourishment and oxygen, the baby may not grow as fast or as much as it should. Smoking during pregnancy can have a different effect on males as well. Research conducted in Denmark studied the differences in men who were exposed to tobacco during pregnancy and men who were not. The results were that men who were exposed to 19 cigarettes a day during pregnancy had about 19% lower semen volume and 38% lower total sperm count than those who were not exposed to smoking while in the womb. Also, children who were exposed to smoking during pregnancy may be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder more easily than children who were not exposed to smoking during pregnancy. Cocaine, crack, methamphetamine, and speed are very powerful stimulants. They repress the appetite and put forth other drastic forces on the body, causing the blood vessels to tighten, the heart to beat more rapidly, and the blood pressure to rise extremely high. Using any of these drugs during pregnancy may cause the growth of the baby to slow down, or increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and could also result in a condition where the placenta is partially separated from the uterine wall, known as abruptio placentae. Women who take these drugs late in their pregnancy face the risk of their baby being born dependent on these drugs and could possibly suffer

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