
High School : A Community Center, Job Training, And Mentoring

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In order to prevent further dropouts of high school teens, there needs to be a community center, job training, and mentoring. Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone. About 25% of high school freshman fail to graduate from high school on time. People who dropout of school tends to get arrested or end up dead in the streets. Teen fed to realize that if don 't go to school and get an education they would be a nobody.
The community needs to step up and talk to the mayor about hiring more tutor and more places for high school student to study or have a place to work while studying. Most teens dropout because they feel like their family …show more content…

They might not been inspired to work hard the lesson been taught. The school may have kicked them out for missing to many days in school or had too many write up. Teenagers suffering from drug addition, alcohol, and pregnancy are likely to dropout. Most teens don’t think school is such an important thing they need. The age that people dropout out of school is about when they around 16 or 17. Teens also dropout because they were failing more than one classes and had poor grades. Drugs play a big part to cause teen to stop attending schools and have poor academics. Most teens either smoke or drink because they think it would make the pain go away. Kids who sell drugs in school get caught and get arrested for illegal drugs in school. Half of teenagers spends their life in jail who either stop going to school and get arrested for drugs.
I feel like the school needs to have after school tutoring for teens who are struggling in the classroom and who are way behind of graduating on time. If the school had these types of programs the dropout population rate might go down 25%. The teens parents needs to take their child to a community center or library were they can get the extra help they need in school

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