
High School Is The Best Time Of My Life

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My time throughout high school was the best time of my life, I wished I would have realized sooner how terrible of a student I was. I look back and think how much harder I could have tried, things I could have done different, and how it has changed me. I don’t have a single regret, because not only was it a lesson learned but it was humorous along the way. I was never the best person at studying, in fact I was terrible at it. I am the biggest procrastinator, the phrase, “due tomorrow, do tomorrow” I know all too well. I knew I would have an upcoming assignment due, a test to study for, and I would still wait until the very last second to get it done it never failed. While the teacher was going around giving points for homework I was still scrambling to get all of mine complete. I would always get the question “Corey, did you forget to do your homework? Last minute, scrambling to get it done?” I didn’t realize until much later how important it is to limit yourself from distractions. One of the funniest moments I can remember was an afternoon in my English class. I sat right beside of my best friend Emily, sometimes I wonder how she done it, how she put up with me and my shenanigans. There wasn’t a time I wasn’t asking her for answers to a test, or an assignment, or just talking while distracting her at the same time. This one day in particular I was really out of it, my teacher was instructing and here I am just completing disregarding what she was saying. It was after

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