
High School Sports Research Paper

Decent Essays

Are High School Sports good or bad for Kids? Sports have started to become more negative than positive extra curricular activities. There have been many bad byproducts from school sports. High school sports can be very stressful times for students. At some schools sports have gained such a large voice of their own that they have almost silenced any recognition for other extra curricular activities. Although many negative things can come from school sports there are positive sides like that some students can thrive from the sometimes extreme pressure from multiple school sports.

High school sports can be very stressful times as parents tend to pressure their children to get a scholarship. Some families need a scholarship to pay for college as its maybe their only option. Stated in the first video by KCRA, only 11% of hockey players get scholarships, 6% of base ball players, 5.5% of football players and lastly 3% of basketball players. The mixture of such few student athletes receiving a scholarship and parents riding their kids to get one just leads to unnecessary pressure that a lot of the time gets the child anywhere but forward in life. …show more content…

One school in particular as a great example (MVRHS) has become “ an athletocracy” stated by student Hank Hill.
The school celebrates every sports game win or lose, the school has banners and streamers included with pictures of each football player on the walls every friday before a football game. “ 16 MVRHS vocalists and instrumentalists auditioned for the competitive All Cape and Islands music festival.” As stated in the prompt all 16 were picked very amazing. Although there was barely any recognition of their amazing achievement.
The school also spends over 26,000 dollars for the hockey team every winter but gives the drama department barely

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