
High School To College

Decent Essays

Transitions from high school to college was one of my stressful adjustment ever. It was all a long process which started in my counselor’s office at my high school. Applying for college, getting accepted, tuition and moving on campus. It was definitely a long journey, driving 11 hours from Florida to Alabama was when I realize that I’m going far away from home. First thing I notice when I got at the school was the beautiful buildings and the environment. It looks more different from what I saw online. First day was very busy then I though. I had to go to admission, financial aid, business and housing, making sure all my papers and payments was done before my parent leave to Florida. I honestly thought high school and college will be almost the same, but college is a lot different from what I thought. High school help build my foundation and got me ready for college. On the other hand, college is an institution of higher education. But when all the first day process was done I was happy to get the keys to my room. Almost every freshman had plan to design and organize their room. I was one of those freshmen. I plan to design my dorm room just like my room at my house. Reason because I felt that it will make me more comfortable and feel like home. Without doubt, though, that didn’t help, still got home sick like every weekend. I was hoping to get a roommate but my roommate that they assign to my room didn’t show up. So, I had the room to myself. Although my hope for a

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