
The Integrity Of The High School Hierarchy System

Decent Essays

I learned that high school is essentially a system of hierarchies. Each academic or extracurricular activity has its own hierarchy. Luckily, I ended up in the top of many hierarchies, such as in athletics and in academic contests. I was proud to hold these honors, but became somewhat arrogant about my accomplishments. My “superior” attitude was reinforced until I encountered failure in my junior year. In ninth grade, I was a math nerd, water polo jock, and robotics geek at the same time. As a result, I started looking down upon those who were not as well-rounded as I was. I maintained this superior frame of mind even after I moved to a more competitive school in 10th grade. Although I lost my standing as a water polo jock, I replaced that activity with concert band. Despite playing in the fourth band the first year, I felt that I would move up a band or two by the next audition, eventually reaching the top of the band hierarchy. But three months after my …show more content…

As I coped with being in the bottom band, I started to understand the other side of the hierarchy system. I began to empathize with those who were not of my “level”. While playing in the bottom band, I started to understand about the ebb and flow of the levels within the band hierarchy and soon recognized the absurdity of the high school hierarchy in general. Through my setbacks with the Plano West band, I realized how wrong my acceptance of the high school system of hierarchies was. I was only deluding myself if I continue to hold this belief. With this new perspective, I hope to be part of a more fluid environment in my school. Although I might feel some pride in standing out in my current and future extracurricular activities, I anticipate not feeling the same superiority or condescension towards others as I did during my first few years of high

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