
Hillary Clinton Abolish The Second Amendment

Decent Essays

In the article titled The Other Problem with Trump’s Second Amendment comments, Donald Trump falsely accused Hillary Clinton of being too strict with the Second Amendment, causing people to take matters into their own hands. Trump made careless comments about Clinton when he stated if Hillary Clinton ever became President “Second Amendment people” could take matters into their own hands. Trumps comments about Clinton are misleading. Clinton’s support of a reasonable gun law in the United States is not the same as abolishing the whole amendment. She has tight gun restrictions but never once has she said nor indicated that she wants to abolish the Second Amendment. She just wants more laws to protect the citizens and many families that have been affected by the use of illegal guns in communities. …show more content…

Even if Clinton wanted to repeal the Second Amendment it’s not in her power to do so. To amend the constitution is a very difficult and hard task to do. Politicians thrive on portraying other candidates running against them in a negative way, and will say anything to lesson their chance of winning the election, Trump isn’t alone when it comes to that many have done it. But there should be limits on what politicians say about each other, it’s degrading of their name especially if the comments aren’t true. All of our laws and constitutional rights have limits. For example, if someone screams out a threat in the movie theaters then that is a reasonable limitation of the First

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