
Hillary Clinton Speech Analysis

Decent Essays

Waking up on the long-awaited morning of November 9th 2016, the majority of America made their morning coffee and clicked on the TV anticipating headlines to read; “Hillary Clinton to be the first female President,” but instead, saw the quite the contrary. When Donald Trump was announced to be the President of the United States, half of the country felt their stomach’s drop. Left with her supporters in mental turmoil, it was Hillary Clinton’s job to address the thousands of followers and ease their worries. In her concession speech, through the use of personal narratives, emotional realities, and inclusive word choice, Clinton was able to deliver a speech that gave the audience a lasting impression of hope for the future of the United States.
The concession speech, given in Manhattan, was directed towards slew of campaign workers, colleagues, supporters, family, and friends who dedicated their time and hard work to Clinton’s campaign. From the beginning, her speech was different than most. She gave her concession speech after Donald Trump gave his Victory speech, which has never been done before. From there, she gave a speech that would shed a light on the results that her supporters were shocked and hurt to see. Her speech had to give hope to those lacking it and ease the minds of her supporters, all while experiencing the loss and heartbreak for herself.
Being a politician, every word used in a speech must be said in a way to make a lasting impression on the crowd, and

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