
Hillary Clinton : The President Of The United States

Decent Essays

Can Hillary Clinton win the Democratic nomination and become the next president of the United States of America? Hillary Clinton is an intelligent, qualified, strong woman that has been in public life for nearly forty years. Hillary Clinton has served as Secretary of State, Senator from New York, First Lady of the United States, First Lady of Arkansas, a practicing lawyer and law professor, activist, and as a volunteer. Some of the most important achievements she has accomplished during her life are: “First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College. Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School. GRAMMY Award Winner. Author.” (addictinginfo). While there is too much to say about Hillary Clinton and her achievements, this paper will focus on two main aspects: the possibilities she has to win the democratic presidential nomination and why she should be elected the next president of the United States of America over the other candidates. Hillary Clinton has an advantage over the other candidates of the Democratic Party.
According to a survey conducted by Fox News, “The poll was conducted by telephone with live interviewers on November 1-3, 2015 among a random national sample of 1,230 registered voters (RV). The results are based on the full sample and have a margin of sampling error of ±3 percentage. Landline and cell phone telephone numbers were randomly selected for inclusion in the survey using a probability proportionate to size method, which means that phone

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