
Hinduism, Christianity, And Islam Essay

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It is understood that each of the Abrahamic religions have tradition as interpreted through scripture. These traditions typically manifest through the practice of worship and ritual, which may be unique to each religion. The purpose of worship and ritual in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is to show service and submission to the one all-powerful, infinite God through prayers unique to that faith, weekly worship gatherings, and various traditions. However execution of worship and ritual varies as a result of historical influences and how that religion decides to display their “service” to God through the aspects of prayer and traditions. The main intention of worship and ritual is to show “service” to God, which is known for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as “avodah,” “liturgy,” and “ibada” respectively. Each sentiment holds a strongly similar meaning to each of the Abrahamic faiths. While the interpretation of how exactly to execute “service” deviates with each religion, the reason for it remains constant: to pay homage and show surrender to God. Worship then “is the ongoing personal translation of faith into forms of devotion suited to the activities and responsibilities of a person’s daily life” (JCM 157). Prior to the destruction of the Second Temple, the Jewish people partook in sacrificial rites as a means of worship and ritual. However these rites could only be done in a holy temple by a priest and, since the second Temple was destroyed, the Jewish people could

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